Al-Zahra Metwally discusses the Master's thesis in specific education


The researcher Zahra Metwally Ahmed discussed on Sunday, August 20, her master's thesis in order to complete the requirements of obtaining a master's degree in specific education, Department of Home Economics, where her research thesis entitled "Quality and safety of some food products prepared with green marine algae" The committee was formed by Dr. Suheir Fouad Nour, Professor of Nutrition and Nutrition at the Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Dr. Malik Mahmoud Reda, Professor of Nutrition, Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education, Alexandria University, and Dr. Tesby Mohamed Rashad Lotfy Y Nutrition and Food Sciences, Department of Home Economics at the Faculty of Specific Education at the University of Alexandria and Dr. / Nevin Fahmy Mohamed Agamy  Assistant  professor of Food Analysis at the Institute of Public Health at the University of Alexandria.