Specific Education discussed the Doctoral thesis of the researcher, Neven Zabady"

Neven Yousif Khalil Zabady, the assistant lecturer  at the Faculty’s Art Education Department submitted her Doctoral thesis for discussing as required to obtain Doctoral degree in art education. The thesis is entitled ” “Aesthetic Effects of Chemistry Fusion between Metal and ceramic clay and in  the innovation of Utilizing them Contemporary Ceramic Forms”
The Discussion and Judging Committee consisted of  Prof. / metwaly Ibrahim Dessouky, Professor of ceramics at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University, prof. Taha Yousif Professor of ceramics at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University,Dr/ Amira Abdel Aziz Asorady  Vice Dean for community service and environmental development, Faculty of specific Education at the University of Alexandria, Dr /khairia Abdul Aziz Assistant Professor, Department of art Education, Faculty of Specific Education at the University of Alexandria

Professor of ceramics