Faculty of Specific Education


About the Department of Music Education


The course of music education was near to disappear in most of Alexandria schools due to lack of qualified teachers therefore lack of music activity in the schools so that the Department of Music Education was one of the early departments which began with the establishment of the Faculty of Specific Education in 1988.

The study in Music Education Department differs from the study in other musical institutes as the department aims at:

  1. Preparing specialized staff in music education and qualified to take over the task of teaching music and training the students on various music instruments.
  2. Preparing a creative artist in the music field who can personifies the feelings and emotions of persons and groups and raises the motivations of hope and creative work the music.
  3. Participating with music to reflect the achievements of the society and heroic actions of individuals during national occasions.
  4. The implementation of special programs for the training of personnel in the fields of music education.
  5. Conducting scientific research and studies with the objective of development of knowledge and in the theoretical and applied basics of music education.

The study in this department aims basically to study professional courses on performing and singing beside courses on the history of international and Arab music. It also focuses on studying educational, social and psychological material which is mandatory to prepare the educational teacher. Thus, the applied hours represent the main portion in this department to support practice skills and to perform with various musical instruments.

It is required to join your Music Education Department that the student must successfully pass the special competency tests that reveal student readiness to continue in this specialization.

The department offers the following courses:

Basics of world music including (Solfege and hear training, Rules of Music theory), Music rhythmic, Basics of Arabic music including (Arabic Solfege, Rules of Arabic music), History of world music, History of Arabic music, Harmony and instrumentation, Poetry, Music impromptu, Science of instruments, Basic instrument Piano, Orchestra instrument or singing, Playing the Accordion, Playing the Xylophone instrument, Playing the Mandolin, Playing the Guitar, Playing on school instruments, Group performance (singing and concert) and the Project.

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