Faculty of Specific Education

Specific Education discussed the master thesis of the researcher "Hussein hashim”

Hussein moaid hashim submitted his Master thesis for discussing as required to obtain master degree in the curricula and methods of teaching Home Economics. The thesis is entitled "The Effectiveness Of Designing  Art Education Teaching Approach Based On Mind Maps To Develop Visual Thinking Skills For Middle School Students In Iraq "

 Where it formed the judging panel and discussion of prof. / Ayman Nabih Saadallah  professor of curriculum and methods of teaching art education at the Faculty of Art Education, Helwan University,   Dr. Dina Adel Hassan, the Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Methods of Teaching Art Education and the Deputy of the Faculty of Specific Education for Graduate Studies and Research- Alexandria University, Dr. / Sana Abdul Jalil al-Sharif assistant professor of curriculum and methods of teaching art education at the University of Alexandria



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