Specific Education” Council Rewards " Reem Falah " Master's Degree (2)
Specific Education” Council Rewards" Issa Ayed " Master's Degree
Specific Education” Council Rewards Ammar Ashkanani " Master's Degree
Specific Education” Council Rewards " Fatma Sanhoury " master's Degree
Specific Education” Council Rewards " Rehan Al - Wahsh " Master's Degree
Specific Education” Council Rewards " Rasha Al-Saadani" Doctoral Degree
Specific Education” Council Rewards " Alaa Adel " master's Degree
Schedules of exams for the 2nd semester of diploma 2017/2018
Schedules of exams for the 2nd semester of the Department of Music Education 2017/2018
Schedules of exams for the 2nd semester of the Department of Educational Technology 2017/2018