Faculty of Specific Education

The capacity tests at Faculty of Specific Education - Alexandria University began on Saturday, July 1

The capacity tests at Faculty of Specific Education - Alexandria University began on Saturday, July 1, 2017, for students wishing to enroll in the art education and music education. The exams will be submitted through the website until July 18, 2017, as determined by the Ministry of Higher Education.

The student will be able to access the website www.tansik.egypt.gusing the national number and the student's seating number.
B - The student data will appear, which includes (seating number - student name - national number - governorate - educational administration of the student - school) and the student should verify the validity of the data
C. The student shall be presented with a list of the types of tests available to students, faculties, places of performance of these tests and the dates specified for the student.
D - The student will choose the type of abilities and dates and will determine the date to go to the faculty.
E. After the student finishes the registration process, the student will print a receipt that includes the types of abilities, dates and places of performance of the tests at the faculties that the student registered on the electronic coordination site.
The faculty also announced the required papers as follows
1- Copy of the Coordination Office receipt
2 - Number of 2 personal photos
3 - Number of 2 copies of seating number
4- Stamps of educational service with 50 LE
5 - Receipt of payment of the exam fee of 150 LE

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