The Ministry of Education had suffered for long years from obvious shortage in applied schools (home economy, music education and art education) as there was few specialized faculties that provide the ministry with its needs in those disciplines for example the faculty of Home Economy in Cairo and the Faculty of Fine Arts in Alexandria, but most of alumni always made their way to other areas not to teaching career in addition that the colleges of teachers were interested to educate applied curricula so that the society missed the qualified teacher who able to teach these courses. So, consideration has been given to the establishment of faculties of specific education that prepare reliable teacher in the development of students’ personality through educational programs in arts, music and home economy. The Faculty of Specific Education in Alexandria is one of the four faculties that were intended to be established in September 1988 in El Abbassiya, and Dar El Salaam in Cairo and two faculties in Alexandria but unfortunately, only one college was opened in Alexandria that named as the Faculty of Specific Education to be one of the leading colleges moving with steady steps to graduate educational teachers technically qualified in the areas of home economy, arts and music. In response to the contemporary world educational trends in the preparation of teachers, the Supreme Council of Specific Faculties and Kindergartens adopted the two semester system that achieves the continuity of the educational process and full participation of the students in the study and activities throughout the academic year so that studying with this system started since 1995/1996 according to the ministerial decree No. 1556, dated on 26/10/1995.